
To run the automated tests, go to the main source directory and execute the following:


Tests that are parallelizable have to run with runtests.

python run-tests.py --no-build

You can choose the number of processors with the option --mpirun="mpirun -np 4". For development purposes you can go beyond the number of processors of your computer using --mpirun="mpirun -np 10 --oversubscribe"

Other usefull flags:

  • --xterm: one window per processor

  • --xterm --pdb: debugging


CI will check the code using the flake8 linter.

Before pushing, make sure to run the tests also with the linter activated:

pytest --flake8

To run only the linter and not the tests:

pytest --flake8 -m flake8

To check a file individually:

python3 -m flake8 --max-complexity 10

You can configure this as Preferences->Tools->External Tools in Pycharm:

  • set Program to $PyInterpreterDirectory$/python3

  • set Arguments to -m flake8 --max-complexity 10 $FilePath$

  • set Working Directory to $ProjectFileDir$