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Example of rough simulation with adhesion on the contact challenge 512x512 topography

The adhesion is longer ranged in this example than in the original contact challenge problem definitition because we use a much coarser grid here.

from SurfaceTopography import read_published_container
import Adhesion # required to register the "make_system" function
from Adhesion.Interactions import Exponential
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
c, = read_published_container("https://doi.org/10.57703/ce-rs7jq")
t = c._topographies[1].to_unit("m")
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 1
----> 1 t = c._topographies[1].to_unit("m")

File ~/work/Adhesion/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/SurfaceTopography/Container/SurfaceContainer.py:53, in SurfaceContainer.__getattr__(self, name)
     51     return func
     52 else:
---> 53     raise AttributeError("Unkown attribute '{}' and no analysis or pipeline function of this name registered"
     54                          "(class {}). Available functions: {}".format(name, self.__class__.__name__,
     55                                                                       ', '.join(self._functions.keys())))

AttributeError: Unkown attribute '_topographies' and no analysis or pipeline function of this name registered(class LazySurfaceContainer). Available functions: to_zip, bandwidth, suggest_length_unit, autocorrelation, power_spectrum, variable_bandwidth, scale_dependent_statistical_property, ciso_moment, c1d_moment, integrate_psd_from_profile, variance_half_derivative_from_autocorrelation, variance_half_derivative_via_autocorrelation_from_profile
Es = 25e6 # N / m2
challenge_wint = 0.05 # mJ / m2
challenge_rho = 2.071e-9 # interaction_range in the contact challenge
# External load 250 kPa
challenge_external_pressure = 250e3 # Pa

Defining meaningful numerical tolerances

In adhesive simulations, the optimisation variable is the displacement. The algorithm seeks the minimum of the total energy $\Pi_\mathrm{tot}$, where the residual $\partial \Pi_\mathrm{tot}/\partial u_{ij} = 0$

A typical repulsive contact pressure is $E^\prime h^\prime_{rms}$, leading to the typical repulsive pixel force $E^\prime h^\prime_{rms} \Delta x^2$. We use a small fraction of this typical force as the numerical tolerance for the residual:

pixel_force_tol = 1e-5 * Es * t.rms_gradient() * t.area_per_pt

Another valid choice of “typical pressure” would be to use the maximum interaction force.

In dual minimizers (used in the nonadhesive contact system), the residual is the gap inside the contact area. Let’s use a typical change of heights for the tolerance

penetration_tol = 1e-3 * t.rms_gradient() * t.pixel_size[0]

Nonadhesive contact system

nonadhesive_system = t.make_contact_system(interaction="hardwall", young=Es)
sol = nonadhesive_system.minimize_proxy(external_force=np.prod(t.physical_sizes) 
                                        * challenge_external_pressure, pentol=penetration_tol)
nonadhesive_offset = sol.offset
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('contactcmap', ((1,1,1,0.), "black"), N=256)
ax.matshow(nonadhesive_system.contact_zone.T, cmap = cmap)

contact system with hardwall repulsion

from Adhesion.Interactions import Exponential
from Adhesion.System import BoundedSmoothContactSystem
interaction=Exponential(gamma0=challenge_wint ,rho=challenge_rho*30)
w = -interaction.evaluate(0)[0]
dx = t.pixel_size[0]

Properties of the adhesive rough contact

Energy for full conformal contact

print("Persson and Tosatti adhesion criterion: ")
    "elastic deformation energy for full contact / work of adhesion: "
                / w / np.prod(t.physical_sizes)))  # ^
#                           sets the mean to zero, so         |
#                           that the energy of the q = 0   --
#                           mode is not taken into
#                           account

Pastewka and Robbins criterion

P&R equation 10, with $\kappa_{rep} = 2$, $d_{rep}=4 h^{\prime}{rms} / h^{\prime\prime}{rms}$ (Only valid in the DMT regime, i.e. until the onset of stickiness) If this value is smaller then 1 the surfaces are sticky and normal CG’s might not work anymore

A requirement for the Pastewka Robbins theory to be valid is that the interaction is short ranged enough. See below.

rho = interaction.rho

print("P&R stickiness criterion: "
      "{}".format(t.rms_gradient() * Es * rho / 2 / w *
                  (t.rms_gradient() ** 2 / t.rms_curvature_from_area() / rho)
                  ** (2 / 3)))

R = 1 / t.rms_curvature_from_area()
elastocapillary_length = w / Es
print("Generalized Tabor parameter following Martin Müser")
    R ** (1 / 3) * elastocapillary_length ** (2 / 3) / rho))

Is the Pastewka Robbins assumption of short-ranged adhesion valid ?

print("rms_height / interaction_length: "
      "{}".format(t.rms_height_from_area() / interaction.rho))

Monti Sanner and Pastewka 2021

g0 = 16 /3 * t.rms_gradient()**2 / t.rms_curvature_from_area()
print("rho / g0: "
      "{}".format(g0 / interaction.rho))

This value should be smaller than 0.1 for the assumptions behind the Pastewka and Robbins theory to be valid. We hence cannot apply the theory to the system considered here.

Estimate whether the discretisation is alright

Process zone in a crack
process_zone_size = Es * w / np.pi / abs(interaction.max_tensile) ** 2

print("nb pixels in process zone: {}".format(process_zone_size / dx))
# print("highcut wavelength / process_zone size: "
#       "{}".format(short_cutoff / process_zone_size))
Empirical criterion on contact of spheres (see adhesive_simulation_sphere.ipynb)

$$ dx \leq 2 \rho^2 \frac{4}{3\pi} \frac{1}{\ell_a} $$

The value below should be greater than 1:

interaction.rho ** 2 * 8 / 3 / np.pi * Es / w / dx
Wang, Zhou and Müser 2021 Equation (9) and Fig.8:


np.sqrt(- interaction.evaluate(0, True, True, True)[-1] # min curvature for the exponential interaction
                 / Es * dx

should be smaller than 0.5

Adhesive simulation

system = t.make_contact_system(interaction=interaction, young=Es, system_class=BoundedSmoothContactSystem)
               # tol=pixel_force_tol, 
assert sol.success
fig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
color = "red"
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('contactcmap', ((1,1,1,0.), color), N=256)
ax.matshow(system.contact_zone.T, cmap = cmap)
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('contactcmap', ((1,1,1,0.), "black"), N=256)
ax.matshow(nonadhesive_system.contact_zone.T, cmap = cmap)

ax.set_xlim(0, 128)
ax.set_ylim(0, 128)


plt.colorbar(ax.matshow(system.gap[:128,:128].T / interaction.rho), label=r"$g/\rho$")
ax.set_xlim(0, 128)
ax.set_ylim(0, 128)


How adhesion affected the mean pressure (in MPa)

system.compute_normal_force() / np.prod(t.physical_sizes) / 1000
nonadhesive_system.compute_normal_force() / np.prod(t.physical_sizes) / 1000

Further examples

  • ../test/test_bugnicourt_primal_rough_weakly_adhesive.py